Saturday, 28 February 2015

End of day 3

Ok so it's further from Aldworth to Lacey Green than I thought. We walked for 9.5 hours today at something approaching 3.5mph. Somewhere between 30 and 32 miles is my estimate.
The last two hours were in the dark and the last one was in lashing rain too.
Thankfully Danny's nose is better than my eyes as I had no idea which way to go setting off across open fields in the dark. As soon as darkness fell Dan took the lead and kept us on course.
Only 19 or 20 miles to go tomorrow.  Hope to be done for 4pm.
Just short of £1800 raised on / 1man1dog1tent too.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive, Phil! I was out on a bike in the wind (but brilliant sunshine) today in Zeeland. If you were walking through similar wind AND rain in the DARK then you have my admiration. Sterkte! Have a good one tomorrow - hope it starts with an excellent breakfast too.
